BioMoo neuroscience journal club

Edwin R. Yeh ery2 at po.CWRU.Edu
Tue Apr 5 10:25:58 EST 1994

In a previous article, leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu (Martin Leach) says:

>for example go to the library (it is NW or NE of the central room) - if you
>type map while in the central room it will show you.

Is there anyway to go "directly" to the place (say the library or
the neuroscience "seminar" room? At Freenet here, we can type
"go bmeg" to go to the biomedical engineering dept. for instance.)
I found traversing through the maze irritating (because I am not in 
D&D mood and don't feel like typing n, nw, etc. when I am in the
mood of discussing research...) Maybe that's why some people 
felt it was fun but a little wasteful of time? And I am sure those
who didn't know about "@quit" must have known what "lost in the
cyberspace" means. But overall, I like the concept and think it's
fabulous! Just my 2 cents...

Edwin R. Yeh < ery2 at po.cwru.edu >  |  Research Interests      
Biomedical Engineering & Neurology |+ Experimental Characterization of Neurons
Case Western Reserve University    |+ Ion Channels Based Neuron Modeling
Cleveland, OH 44106                |+ Applied Neural Control & Data Acquistion 

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