Dear Netters,
Sorry for the long delay but here is an update of my search for membrane
models. I have listed articles in bibtex format without the KEY field:
amjphsl = "American Journal of Physiology"
jphsl = "Journal of Physiology (London)"
biophys = "Biophysical Journal"
biocyb = "Biological Cybernetics"
proysb = "Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, series B"
circres = "Circulation Research"
1. AUTHOR = "A. L. Hodgkin and A. F. Huxley",
TITLE = "A Quantitative Description of Membrane Current and
and its Application to Conduction and Excitation in Nerve",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 117,
PAGES = "500-544",
YEAR = 1952}
2. author = "B. Frankenhaeuser",
title = "Quantitative Description of Sodium Currents in the
Myelinated Nerve Fibers of {Xenopus Laevis}",
journal = "J. Physiol.",
volume = "151",
pages = "491-501",
year = "1960"
3. AUTHOR = "D. Noble",
TITLE = "A Description of Cardiac Pacemaker Potentials based on the
{Hodgkin-Huxley} Equations",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 154,
PAGES = "64P-65P",
YEAR = 1960}
3a. AUTHOR = "Denis Noble",
TITLE = "Cardiac Action and Pacemaker Potentials Based on the
{H}odgkin-{H}uxley Equations",
JOURNAL = "Nature",
VOLUME = 4749,
PAGES = "495-497",
MONTH = "November",
YEAR = 1960}
3b. AUTHOR = "Denis Noble",
to {P}urkinje Fibre Action and Pace-maker Potentials",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 160,
PAGES = "317-352",
YEAR = 1962}
4. author = "B. Frankenhaeuser and A. F. Huxley",
title = "The Action Potential in the Myelinated Nerve Fibre of
Xenopus Laevis as Computed on the Basis of Voltage
Clamp Data",
journal = "J. Physiol.",
volume = "171",
pages = "302-315",
year = "1964"
5. AUTHOR = "Denis Noble and R. W. Tsien",
TITLE = "Reconstruction of the Repolarization Process in
Cardiac {P}urkinje Fibres Based on
Voltage Clamp Measurements of Membrane Current",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 200,
PAGES = "205-231",
YEAR = 1969}
6. AUTHOR = "Richard FitzHugh",
TITLE = "Mathematical Models of Excitation and Propagation in Nerve",
PAGES = "1-85",
BOOKTITLE = "Biological Engineering",
EDITOR = "H. P. Schwan",
PUBLISHER = "McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.",
ADDRESS = "New York",
YEAR = 1969}
7. AUTHOR = "Ildefonse and Rougier"
JOURNAL = jphsl
VOLUME = 222,
PAGES = "373-395",
YEAR = 1972}
8. AUTHOR = "Adrian and Peachey",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 235,
PAGES = "103-131",
YEAR = 197?}
9. AUTHOR = "R. E. McAllister and D. Noble and R. W. Tsien",
TITLE = "Reconstruction of the Electrical Activity of Cardiac
{P}urkinje Fibres",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 251,
PAGES = "1-59",
YEAR = 1975}
10. AUTHOR = "G. W. Beeler and H. Reuter",
TITLE = "Reconstruction of the Action Potential of Ventricular
Myocardial Fibres",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 268,
PAGES = "177-210",
COMMENT = "The classic model of ventricular cells -- it was an
8-dimensional ODE (voltage, [Ca]i and 6 gating variables)",
YEAR = 1977}
11. AUTHOR = "Kaoru Yanagihara and Akinori Noma and Hiroshi Irisawa",
TITLE = "Reconstruction of Sino-Atrial Node Pacemaker Potential
Based on the Voltage Clamp Experiments",
JOURNAL = "Japanese Journal of Physiology",
VOLUME = 30,
PAGES = "841-857",
YEAR = 1980}
12. AUTHOR = "L. Ebihara and E. A. Johnson",
TITLE = "Fast Sodium Current in Cardiac Muscle: A Quantitative
JOURNAL = biophys,
VOLUME = 32,
PAGES = "779-790",
YEAR = 1980}
13. AUTHOR = "David G. Bristow and John W. Clark",
TITLE = "A Mathematical Model of Primary Pacemaking Cell in SA Node
of the Heart",
JOURNAL = amjphsl,
VOLUME = 243,
PAGES = "H207-H218",
YEAR = 1982}
14. AUTHOR = "Teresa Ree Chay and Joel Keizer",
TITLE = "Minimal Model for Membrane Oscillations in the
Pancreatic $\beta$-Cell",
JOURNAL = biophys,
VOLUME = 42,
PAGES = "181-190",
MONTH = "May",
YEAR = 1983}
15. AUTHOR = "D. Noble and S. Noble",
TITLE = "A model of sino-atrial node electrical activity based on a
modification of the DiFrancesco-Noble (1984) equations",
JOURNAL = proysb,
VOLUME = 222,
PAGES = "295-304",
YEAR = 1984}
16. AUTHOR = "D. DiFrancesco and D. Noble",
TITLE = "A Model of Cardiac Electrical Activity Incorporating
Ionic Pumps and Concentration Changes",
JOURNAL = "Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B.",
VOLUME = 307,
PAGES = "353-398",
YEAR = 1985}
17. AUTHOR = "Jean-Pierre Drouhard and Fernand A. Roberge",
TITLE = "Revised Formulation of the {H}odgkin-{H}uxley Representation
of the Sodium Current in Cardiac Cells.",
JOURNAL = "Computers and Biomedical Research",
VOLUME = 20,
PAGES = "333-350",
YEAR = 1987}
18. AUTHOR = "D. Noble and D. DiFrancesco and J. Denyer",
TITLE = "Ionic Mechanisms in Normal and Abnormal Cardiac
Pacemaker Activity",
BOOKTITLE = "Neuronal and Cellular Oscillators",
EDITOR = "J. W. Jacklet",
PUBLISHER = "Marcel Dekker, Inc.",
ADDRESS = "New York",
YEAR = 1989}
19. AUTHOR = "Matthew A. Wilson and James M. Bower",
TITLE = "The Simulation of Large-Scale Neural Networks",
BOOKTITLE = "Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Synapses to Networks",
ADDRESS = "Cambridge, MA",
EDITOR = "Christof Koch and Idan Segev",
PAGES = "291-333",
YEAR = 1989}
20. AUTHOR = "Y. E. Earm and D. Noble",
TITLE = "A model of the single atrial cell: relation between calcium
current and calcium release",
JOURNAL = proysb,
VOLUME = "240",
PAGES = "83-96",
YEAR = 1990}
21. AUTHOR = {R.L. Rasmusson and J.W. Clark and W.R. Giles and K. Robinson
and R.B. Clark and E.F. Shibata and D.L. Campbell},
JOURNAL = {American Journal of Physiology},
PAGES = {H370--H389},
TITLE = {A mathematical model of electrophysiological activity in a
bullfrog atrial cell},
VOLUME = {259},
YEAR = {1990},
22. AUTHOR = {R.L. Rasmusson and J.W. Clark and W.R. Giles and K. Robinson
and R.B. Clark and E.F. Shibata and D.L. Campbell},
JOURNAL = {American Journal of Physiology},
PAGES = {H352--H369},
TITLE = {A mathematical model of a bullfrog cardiac pacemaker cell},
VOLUME = 259,
YEAR = 1990}
23. AUTHOR = {C. C. Canavier and J. W. Clark and J. H. Byrne},
TITLE = {Routes to chaos in a model of a bursting neuron},
JOURNAL = {Biophysical Journal},
PAGES = {1245--1251},
VOLUME = 57,
YEAR = 1990}
24. AUTHOR = "Roger D. Traub and Robert K. S. Wong and Richard Miles and
Hillary Michelson",
TITLE = "A Model of a CA3 Hippocampal Pyramidal Neuron Incorporating
Voltage-Clamp Data on Intrinsic Conductances",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Neurophysiology",
VOLUME = 66,
PAGES = "635-650",
YEAR = 1991}
25. AUTHOR = "Orjan Ekeberg and Peter Wallen and Anders Lansner and
Hans G. C. Traven and Lennart Brodin and Sten Grillner",
TITLE = "A Computer Based Model for Realistic Simulations of
Neural Networks. I. The Single Neuron and Synaptic
JOURNAL = biocyb,
VOLUME = 65,
PAGES = "81-90",
YEAR = 1991}
26. AUTHOR = "C. R. Murphey and J. W. Clark and W. R. Giles and
R. L.Rasmusson and J. A. Halter and K. Hicks and B. Hoyt",
TITLE = "Conduction in Bullfrog Atrial Strands: Simulations of the
Role of Disc and Extracellular Resistance",
JOURNAL = "Mathematical Biosciences",
VOLUME = 106,
PAGES = "39-84",
YEAR = 1991}
27. AUTHOR = "{Ching-Hsing} Luo and Yoram Rudy",
TITLE = "A Model of the Ventricular Cardiac Action Potential",
JOURNAL = circres,
VOLUME = 68,
PAGES = "1501-1526",
YEAR = 1991}
28. AUTHOR = "John R. Huguenard and David A. McCormick",
TITLE = "Simulation of the Currents Involved in Rhythmic Oscillations
in Thalamic Relay Neurons",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Neurophysiology",
VOLUME = 68,
PAGES = "1373-1383",
YEAR = 1992}
29. AUTHOR = "David A. McCormick and John R. Huguenard",
TITLE = "A Model of the Electrophysiological Properties of
Thalamocortical Relay Neurons",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Neurophysiology",
VOLUME = 68,
PAGES = "1384-1400",
YEAR = 1992}
30. AUTHOR = "J. H. Schild and S. Khushalani and J. W. Clark and
M. C. Andersen and D. L. Kunze",
TITLE = "An ionic current model for neurons in the rat medial nucleus
tractus solitarii receiving sensory afferent input",
JOURNAL = jphsl,
VOLUME = 469,
PAGES = 341,
YEAR = 1993}
Thanks to the following people for replying to my original post with
pointers to models:
Rob Butera
Alain Destexhe
Frank Evans
Matt Fishler
John Huguenard
Mark A. Lubinski
W A Noe
I would appreciate it very much of readers could look this list over and
tell me what models I've missed. I'm sure there must be a few more out there.
Tony Varghese