Methoxamine in Rat Autoregulation

M Souter vls at festival.ed.ac.uk
Tue Apr 5 10:09:23 EST 1994

We're looking at doing autoregulation in rats and to mirror our human
studies as closely as possible we'd like to use methoxamine an alpha
agonist as the vasoconstrictor to raise pressure and observe CBF
A sticking point is that we haven't a clue as to the dose of
Methoxamine, and can't find one ...does anyone have any ideas/pointers
as to what it is/where I might find out..?

Dr Mike Souter                   email: mjs at skull.dcn.ed.ac.uk
Dept of Clin.Neurosciences              vls at festival.ed.ac.uk 
University of Edinburgh                 msouter at cix.compulink.co.uk

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