In article <FpantARBBh107h at>,
wayne at (Wayne F. Phillips) wrote:
> I have just started exploring BioMOO, and have found it very
> interesting. However, for a novice, it is hard to find one's way
> around, and know how to do things. The tutorial was helpful, but
> only covers the basics.
>> I would find some kind of FAQ or 'user manual' very helpful to learn
> to use BioMOO efficiently. Is there such a thing?
Dear Wayne....
At the moment no FAQ exists as within BioMOO people have created various
notepads, blackboards, etc...
Try @examine them or @read them - you will find many useful items on these
for example go to the library (it is NW or NE of the central room) - if you
type map while in the central room it will show you.
A very good form of an FAQ is WatsonCrick's programming FAQ. This is in the
I had a pretty good one (in my office (MBO)) but i seem to have erased 90%
off it while altering something.
Any probs. or qus. then email me and i can arrange for myself or someone
else to help you out.
..... Martin Leach Email:leach at
_|____ Dept. of Pharmacology Phone: (617) 638-5323
/ o / Boston Univ. School of Med. Fax: (617) 638-4329
_/ |-/__==/ 80 E. Concord St. (L603)
(BULLDOZER) \_ Boston MA 02118 "Not the old underpants on your
p.s. try BioMOO (virtual biology on the internet - telnet 8888)