Brainwave multi-electrode systems

mwolske at synapse.npa.uiuc.edu mwolske at synapse.npa.uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 1 13:53:28 EST 1994

In article <MANEESH.94Mar31160811 at cortex.vis.caltech.edu> maneesh at cortex.vis.caltech.edu (Maneesh Sahani) writes:
>I am trying to get in touch with the people who sell the Brainwave
>multi-electrode multi-cell recording system.  Does anyone know how to
>reach them?
>Also, while I'm at it, does anyone have any experience with the system
>that may be pertinent to using it in macaque visual cortex?

They have changed their name to Datawave.  Their number before the change
was 1-800-736-9283 (I think the last time I called them was after the
change, and that the above number is still accurate).  I've had extensive 
dealings with their system and with the people at Datawave for over 6 years.  
However, without knowing exactly what you plan to do with their system, it 
would be difficult for me to give you an accurate critique of their system.  
Please email me with more details concerning your experimental protocol and 
I would be more than happy to give you more information about their system as 
it applies to your needs.


Martin Wolske 			email: mwolske at synapse.npa.uiuc.edu
405 N. Mathews			phone: 217-244-1617
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL  61801

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