In article <2potfp$gpi at>, brp at (bruce
raoul parnas) wrote:
> Actually, the negative resting potential derives even more from the Nernst
> potentials for the various ions present internally and externally.
Bruce, this is an excellent statement and it gets to the heart of the
why the potential is negative (i/o).
> The
> resting potential would be negative even in the absence of any sort
> of pump mechanism.
However, this statement might be contradicted by some "sticklers".
Using, ouabain to inhibit the Na/K pump the squid giant axon can
maintain its normal resting potential and it can fire action potentials
repeatedly (I don't recall the exact number but I think it was thousands).
However, without the Na/K pump the ion gradients will eventually be
depleted upon repetitive firing. Therefore, one could conclude that
the Na/K pump is necessary, in the long run, for proper resting potential
and for repeated firing of action potentials.
BTW, I think most neurons can't fire near as many action potentials as
the squid giant after inhibition of the Na/K pump.
Rifle River
jstream at