I hope this is read by many, and passed on to those who may know
something that may help me out.
My sister, age 17, was recently diagnosed with a seizure disorder.
Although she had infantile spasms, her disorder did not manifest itself
until about two weeks ago. Upon further investigation, its was
discovered (through MRI) that she had a large gliasol lesion that ran
along her right temporal lobe as a result of some previously unknown
birth defect (supposedly).
Her current treatment is Dilantin, but she is being switched to
Tegritol. This will continue for the rest of her life, and it is
expected she will sometimes have seizures anyway. If her condition
doesn't et better at all, the doctors expect that they will do a PET
scan, followed by surgery to remove the scar.
It is very likely at this point that the surgery will occur. The doctor
said she won't lose any "major" function...
Does anyone know of any alternative currently being developed, or, if
not, can anyone point me in the right direction to find what I am looking
for? Of course, we are looking for the least damaging surgery possible,
perhaps with lasers or whatnot.
Thanks for your time,
Dylan Seff