BioMoo neuroscience journal club

Paul Malloy Paul_Malloy at brown.edu
Wed Apr 6 07:53:35 EST 1994

In article <Cnsns9.M5D at anat.UMSMED.EDU>, jbh at anat.UMSMED.EDU (James B.
Hutchins) wrote:

> In article <2nrvu6$2ll at usenet.ins.cwru.edu> ery2 at po.CWRU.Edu (Edwin R. Yeh)
> writes:
> >
> >In a previous article, leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu (Martin Leach) says:
> >
> ML>>for example go to the library (it is NW or NE of the central room) - if you
> ML>>type map while in the central room it will show you.
> >
> ERY>Is there anyway to go "directly" to the place (say the library or
> ERY>the neuroscience "seminar" room? At Freenet here, we can type
> [stuff deleted]
> My favorite way of moving around in the BioMOO (once I have a map, like
> the one Martin describes) is:
> @go #9999
> where 9999 is the number of the place you want to go.
> For example, the seminar room where journal clubs are held is #343.
> @go #343
> will take you there directly.  The library is #633.
> Hope this helps.
> Jim (TJ on the BioMOO)
> -- 
> Jim Hutchins                    []     E-Mail: jbh at anat.umsmed.edu
> Asst Prof of Anatomy            []     Asst Prof of Neurology
> Univ Mississippi Med Ctr        []     Jackson, MS

I am a recent reader of this newsgroup; please pardon me if this is a FAQ.
What is BioMoo and how can I find it/access it on the net? Thanks in
Paul Malloy, Ph.D.
Director of Neuropsychology
Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 02906
Internet: Paul_Malloy at brown.edu

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