Trigeminal Neuralgia

odin at gate.net odin at gate.net
Sun Apr 3 10:13:47 EST 1994

[ Article crossposted from sci.med ]
[ Author was odin at gate.net ]
[ Posted on 3 Apr 1994 15:12:49 GMT ]

What causes remission with Trigeminal Neuralgia. If remission occurs 
occasionally is there any scientific knowledge as to why and is there
any natural method for causing remission? Remission is usually of short 
duration, not lasting longer than several weeks at a time. Medication is 
only of limited benefit and constant adjustments are necessary. Surgery 
entails more risk [besides being expensive] than I am willing to undergo. 
Surgeon says mortality is 1 in 100. Injection of glycerol is also risky 
and involves some potential side effects, so medication and/or natural 
healing is the only present option. Especially interested in natural 
alternatives.. Any suggestions or new knowledge would be appreciated.
Also interested in corresponding with those who have TN. 

What percentage of population has TN and how many elect for various
treatments? Interested in medical advise and personal experiences. 
My e-mail address is: <odin at gate.net> for personal mail. Will also
check here for general information.


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