I'm looking to build a cheap REM detector. (by cheap, I mean under $40)
Nothing fancy. I just need something that will detect REM in order to
trigger some flashing LEDs embedded in a pair of goggles or a head-set.
I've heard there is a commercial unit such as this on the market
called the DreamLight (which is prohibitively expensive, for me anyhow)
. The purpose of the device is to somehow 'remind' people that they
are dreaming, in order to dream lucidly.
Also, thanks to all those who responded to my Michael Persinger
inquiry. However, none of the responses answered what I really wanted
to know (and what motivated my post to begin with). That's my fault I
suppose. However, let me try again. I'm interested specifically
in the work Persinger has done w/magnetically stimulating people's
temporal lobes in order to produce mystical or quasi-mystical
states of consciousness. I'm curious to know if (non-invasive, i.e.
w/o implants) magnetic stimulation of the brain from outside the skull/
skin can effect changes in changes in consciousness. Can anyone point
me in the direction of studies done in this area?
While I'm at it, whatever happened to Jose M.R. Delgado?
The guy who allegedly implanted electrodes in a bull's head and
stopped the bull in it's tracks via remote control. Again, sounds like
quack stuff, but it intrigues me. Is Delgado still alive? What sort
of projects has he been involved with since the 60's?