Michael Persinger

Todd I. Stark stark at dwovax.enet.dec.com
Thu Sep 30 18:52:00 EST 1993

One of the other places I've seen Persinger cited is in some of Kenneth Ring's
work on Near Death Experiences, and his book _The_Omega_Project_.  

Someone had an interesting comment to me about Persinger's EM helmet
experiment where he 'simulates UFO and mystical experiences.'  
He said that it sounded like Persinger's field-generating helmet
may have mainly facilitated a guided reverie somehow, possibly made it
more vivid.  This would seems to have been a less extravagant conclusion
than Persinger's, but interesting nontheless.

With respect to Robert McGrath's line of thinking, regarding the cult
relationship and anxiety relief, I think that Marc Galanter's book
_Cults,_ Faith, Healing, and Coercion_ was a very good (clinical, not
experimental) analysis of the anxiety relief effect in group behavior.

Thanks very much to Chris R. for the useful references on critical analyses
of Persinger !

						kind regards,


| Todd I. Stark				  stark at dwovax.enet.dec.com           |
| Digital Equipment Corporation		             (215) 542-3573           |
| Philadelphia, Pa. USA                                                       |
|    "(A word is) the skin of a living thought"  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.   |

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