electrophysiology software for Mac?

Brian Young byoung at ic.sunysb.edu
Tue Sep 28 15:55:11 EST 1993

In article <283ft5$lbs at kruuna.Helsinki.FI> stenberg at kruuna.Helsinki.FI (Dag Stenberg) writes:
>Yan Tony Lee (ytony at acs.bu.edu) wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     I am an electrophysiologist trying to get and anazyle data I get from
>> whole-cell recordings and single-patch clamp recordings.  However, I use an
>> old program called pCLAMP to record my data and then try to analyze it The
>> software is slow, user-hostile, and very difficult to use.  Not only that
>> the software stinks, but we use these very old IBM-compatibles (286). 
>> However we do have these really cool Macs that could definitely make things

Cambridge Electronic Design (CED) make a fairly sophisticated (and expensive)
system for various kinds of electrophysiology.  I use their IBM based system
for extracellular recording and for the most part am very satisfied with it.
They also make a Mac based system.  Be prepared to shell out US$8000+.


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