The following was obtained from the path indicated immediately below. I
have confirmed that this system is online (at least via gopher).
Ken Boschert 's comments:
>From root Mon Sep 27 21:00:48 1993
Message-Id: <9309280100.AA17859 at>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 19:59:17 CST6CDT
Reply-To: Comparative Medicine List <COMPMED%WUVMD.bitnet at>
Sender: Comparative Medicine List <COMPMED%WUVMD.bitnet at>
From: Ken Boschert <KEN at WUDCM.WUSTL.EDU>
Organization: Washington Univ. - Comparative Med.
Subject: The SCIENTIST on the Internet
Comments: To: COMPMED at wuvmd.bitnet
To: Multiple recipients of list COMPMED <COMPMED%WUVMD.bitnet at>
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date: 23-Sep-1993 10:10am EDT
From: Willis O. Benson
Dept: WL/DOC (Serials Dept.)
Tel No: (513) 255-6750
Subject: The SCIENTIST on the Internet
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
For more information, contact:
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Phone : (215)386-0100 Ext. 1504
Fax : (215)387-1266
E-mail: garfield at
June 4, 1993
THE SCIENTIST newspaper, now available on internet----
THE SCIENTIST a biweekly newspaper for scientists and the
research community, is now available electronically -- in full
text and free of charge -- on the internet network via ftp, WAIS,
and Gopher. Eugene Garfield, publisher of THE SCIENTIST states
that electronic access to the newspaper's articles and features
has been made available following a successful trial experiment
on NSFnet, the electronic communications network of the National
Science Foundation.
Founded in 1986, THE SCIENTIST is published in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, and is circulated internationally to
researchers, administrators, and policy makers in academia,
industry, and government. THE SCIENTIST is the only newspaper
that exclusively covers current issues and events that impact the
professional research environment--including funding legislation,
new grants, employment and salary trends, career advancement
opportunities, ethics and conflicts of interest, representation
of women and minorities in science, and the interplay of
industrial, academic, and governmental research. In addition,
THE SCIENTIST reports on trends in research and features the
opinions of leaders in science.
THE SCIENTIST can be accessed on the InterNIC (AT&T) server by
the instructions provided below. The full text of issues from
November 1992 onward are accessible. New issues are added every
two weeks on alternate Mondays, coinciding with the cover date of
the printed edition. Back issues are being loaded every other
week, until the full seven year file is complete.
via FTP
type: ftp
login or name, type: anonymous
for password, type in your internet address
at ftp prompt type: cd pub/the-scientist
at next prompt type: dir
This will list the files in THE SCIENTIST directory
type : get (and the issue you wish to retrieve)
To leave the server, type: quit
THE SCIENTIST files are added every two weeks.
File numbers will correspond to date of publication.
Example: get the-scientist-921207
is: the-scientist-92(for year) 12(for month) 07(day)
THE SCIENTIST is available on the InterNIC Gopher Server
>From your Gopher client, connect to 70
For example using a UNIX Gopher client, type: gopher internic.net_70
(NOTE: _70 = space 70. 70 is Port 70)
You will be at the following menu:
1. Information about the InterNIC.
2. InterNIC Information Services (General Atomics)/
3. InterNIC Registration Services (NSI)/
4. InterNIC Directory and Database Services (AT&T)/
Choose: #4 - InterNIC Directory and Database Services (AT&T)/
You will be at the following menu:
1. InterNIC Directory of Directories Resource Types/
2. Information about the InterNIC Directory and Database Services/
3. IETF Documents/
4. IETF Steering Group Documents/
5. Internet Draft Documents/
6. Internet Informational RFC Documents (FYIs)/
7. Internet Policies and Procedures/
8. Internet Request For Comments (RFC) Documents/
9. Internet Society (ISOC) Documents/
10. Internet Standard RFC Documents (STDs)/
11. National Science Foundation Databases/
12. Publically Accessible Databases/
13. Publically Accessible Sources/
14. The DS WHOIS Database <?>
15. The Internet Resource Guide/
Choose: #12 - Publically Accessible Databases/
You will be at the following menu:
1. TRAINER-DIALOG for DIALOG Information Services/
2. THE SCIENTIST - Newsletter/
Choose: #2 - The Scientist-Newsletter/
You will now be at THE SCIENTIST's menu where you can find help,
for key-word searches, see an overview, an index or select an
entire issue.
via TELNET/WAIS Client
at login, type: wais (lower case; no password required)
at search prompt, type : db the-scientist
at next search prompt, type: query_(key words to be searched)
To view a file, type: view (serial number of the file retrieved)
A tutorial on searching by WAIS is available on the menu.
at search prompt, type: help
When you are finished, at search prompt, type: quit
type: telnet
at login type : guest (no password required)
You will be at the following menu:
InterNIC Directory and Database Services Telnet Interface Main Menu
1) Help Tutorial
2) Person Lookup
3) Institution Lookup
4) Document Lookup by Name
5) Document Lookup by Keyword
6) Internet Resource Lookup
7) Exit
Enter desired option (1-7) and press the <RETURN> key:
Choose #5
at the search prompt type: db the-scientist
at next search prompt type: query (key words to be searched)
When you are finished type: quit
You can access THE SCIENTIST via AT&T mail server, which is
an automatic program that delivers information by electronic
mail. To request THE SCIENTIST from the mail server, send
a message to:
mailserv at
include the following lines in the body (NOT SUBJECT) of the
message: file /ftp/pub/the-scientist/the-scientist-yymmdd
for path, type your return email address
type: end
The mail server will split the document into 64k chunks by
default and the requested information will be transmitted to
Charles J. Wysocki, Ph.D. wysocki at (INTERNET)
Monell Chemical Senses Center FAX: 215-898-2084
3500 Market Street Phone: 215-898-4265
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3308 telex: 7106700328