In article <ytony-240993174917 at>, ytony at (Yan
Tony Lee) wrote:
>> Hello,
> I am an electrophysiologist trying to get and anazyle data I get from
> whole-cell recordings and single-patch clamp recordings.
We use a program called MacLab made by ADInstruments. I run it on a
Classic II for single cell recording. Another grad student in the lab runs
it on a Quadra 700 so he can record up to four cells simultaneously.
They have two programs that come with the data acquisition system. They
are called Chart and Scope. Chart is usually used for long duration
continuous recording. Whereas, Scope functions as a digital storage
oscilloscope. It is very easy to use and it is convenient because you can
store your data on a hard drive, floppy disc, video or audio cassete.
I like it because I have written macros which allow me to establish my
stimulus parameters and timing. Once I have the experiment set up I don't
have to touch it again. The computer runs the experiment.
I don't remember the price but I know it's expensive. You should call ADI
to find out if the MacLab fits your needs. They just put out the third
version of the Chart/Scope programs last week.
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PO Box 845
Milford, MA 01757 USA
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