What kind of electrophysiology are yu trying to do? In my undergrad
lab we did multicellular recordings using an A/D board and SuperScope
software. Worked pretty well, and we beta'd the upcoming version,
which worked even better. LabView can also be used to create "virtual
instruments" like ossciliscopes showing various manipulations of the
data. It seemed to me that Superscope is better suited to running
data analysis, while Labview is better at actually driving an
experiment. ALthouh we did use Superscope to trigger stimuli. In
either case, it takes a heck of a lot of disk space to store even one
run. We got around that by storing the records on VHS tape, and then
loading them into the computer again if we needed them at a later
I can't remeber company names off hand, or phone numbers for that
matter, but I could probably find ot some more specifics if you need