disease of the spine - help!!

Dorene E. Besser dorene at delphi.bsd.uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 24 14:39:39 EST 1993


My mother has a friend whose son was married recently, and she found out
that her new daughter-in-law has, as her mother put it, a slight case of
spina bifida, and scoliosis (is it possible to have a slight case of either
of these?).  She is very concerned, obviously, and she asked me if I might
post an article to pick your (the experts) brains about these two
'conditions'.  I realize that it is more of a spinal question, but I was
hoping that it may also deal with neurology - since there aren't any spinal
categories, I thought I'd try my luck.  

If anyone can give me some information that a lay-person could understand,
I would really appreciate it.  Also, if anyone knows of a foundation or
something that does spinal research who would be able to supply me with
information, please post it here, or preferrably, send it to me via E-mail.

Thank you very much in advance.

Dorene E. Besser
The University of Chicago
dorene at delphi.bsd.uchicago.edu
"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain"  -William Shakespeare

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