Michael Persinger

Stephan A. Schwartz stephan at jsasoc.com
Fri Sep 24 13:06:07 EST 1993

On Thu, 23 Sep 1993, There's a seeker born every minute. wrote:

>     A few years back, I read an article in _Omni_ (yes, I know, the 
> national inquirer of science...) about Michael A. Persinger, a neuroscientist
> from Canada (Univ. of the Laurentians?). Persinger claims that he
> can induce mystical or quasi-mystical states in patients via magnetic 
> stimulation of their temporal lobes. He believes mystical experiences are
> caused by micro-seizures in the brain. A book of his detailing this theory
> is _Neuropsychological (or physiological) Bases of God Beliefs_. 
>     Have any neurologists or psychologists heard of this man? Is he a 
> reputable neurologist? A quack? Is he ever referenced by others in the
> field? Does anyone know if he's still researching this sort of thing?  
> Any recent (1992 - present) articles by or about him in the journals?


Michael Persinger is a very reputable researcher, who has made a number of
contributions of note.  The one that comes instantly to mind was the
relationship of geomagnetic field strength with psi-functioning.  This has
been replicated at several labs, and has been extended by James
Spottiswoode et al to a small but perceptible correlation between
geomagnetic field strength and epilepsy.

Persinger has a lengthy publication list, and his work is sound.

Relative to the temporal lobe comment.  You might like to look at the work
of Mel Morse, M.D..  He believes he has found a specific site in the right
temporal lobe which is "hard wired" for mystical experiences.

-- Stephan>


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