New Edition of Priciples of Neural Science?

chris hickie chickie at girch1.med.uth.tmc.edu
Wed Sep 22 18:33:05 EST 1993

In article <MARVIT.93Sep21111709 at cattell.psych.upenn.edu>,
marvit at cattell.psych.upenn.edu (Peter Marvit) wrote:
> Just an interesting footnote to KSJ.  The book weighs just about the same
> as an Apple PowerBook - 7.2 pounds on my (not completely accurate) scale.

I'll lug my PB around in my backpack over my KSJ anyday!  Someday, we'll
all just slot our KSJ in the CD-ROM drive anyhow.  I eagerly await
that day. =8-)


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