Michael Persinger

John Anderson anderson at CSHL.ORG
Thu Sep 23 16:01:36 EST 1993

>       A few years back, I read an article in _Omni_ 

I read the same one.  Here's what's in MEDLINE Jan-Sep 1993:

TI: Behaviors of rats with insidious, multifocal brain damage induced by seizures following single peripheral injections of lithium and pilocarpine.
AU: Persinger-MA; Bureau-YR; Kostakos-M; Peredery-O; Falter-H
SO: Physiol-Behav. 1993 May; 53(5): 849-66
AN: 93288747

TI: Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXI. Differential contribution of geomagnetic activity to paranormal experiences concerning death and crisis: an alternative to the ESP hypothesis.
AU: Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1993 Apr; 76(2): 555-62
AN: 93247898

TI: Average diurnal changes in melatonin levels are associated with hourly incidence of bereavement apparitions: support for the hypothesis of temporal (limbic) lobe microseizuring.
AU: Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1993 Apr; 76(2): 444-6
AN: 93247884

TI: Extreme hypothermia induced by a synergism of acute limbic seizures, physical restraint, and acepromazine: implications for survival following brain injury.
AU: Bureau-YR; Persinger-MA
SO: Psychol-Rep. 1993 Feb; 72(1): 248-50
AN: 93197444

TI: Transcendental Meditation and general meditation are associated with enhanced complex partial epileptic-like signs: evidence for "cognitive" kindling?
AU: Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1993 Feb; 76(1): 80-2

TI: Paranormal and religious beliefs may be mediated differentially by subcortical and cortical phenomenological processes of the temporal (limbic) lobes.
AU: Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1993 Feb; 76(1): 247-51

TI: Shifts in the Plutchik emotion profile indices following three weekly treatments with pulsed vs continuous cerebral magnetic fields.
AU: Gillis-C; Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1993 Feb; 76(1): 168-70

TI: Transient blocking of persistent gnawing by haloperidol in rats with seizure-induced multifocal brain damage.
AU: Bureau-YR; Persinger-MA
SO: Life-Sci. 1993; 52(10): 869-76

TI: Complex partial epileptic signs as a continuum from normals to epileptics: normative data and clinical populations.
AU: Persinger-MA; Makarec-K
SO: J-Clin-Psychol. 1993 Jan; 49(1): 33-45

TI: Enhanced incidence of "the sensed presence" in people who have learned to meditate: support for the right hemispheric intrusion hypothesis.
AU: Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1992 Dec; 75(3 Pt 2): 1308-10

TI: Right hemisphericity and low self-esteem in high school students: a replication.
AU: Lazure-CL; Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1992 Dec; 75(3 Pt 2): 1058

TI: Severity of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats depends upon the temporal contiguity between limbic seizures and inoculation.
AU: Missaghi-B; Richards-PM; Persinger-MA
SO: Pharmacol-Biochem-Behav. 1992 Dec; 43(4): 1081-6

TI: Relative right temporal-lobe theta activity correlates with Vingiano's hemispheric quotient and the "sensed presence".
AU: Munro-C; Persinger-MA
SO: Percept-Mot-Skills. 1992 Dec; 75(3 Pt 1): 899-903

TI: The feeling of a presence and verbal meaningfulness in context of temporal lobe function: factor analytic verification of the muses?
AU: Persinger-MA; Makarec-K
SO: Brain-Cogn. 1992 Nov; 20(2): 217-26

TI: Geomagnetic activity and enhanced mortality in rats with acute (epileptic) limbic lability.
AU: Bureau-YR; Persinger-MA
SO: Int-J-Biometeorol. 1992 Oct; 36(4): 226-32

John E. Anderson (anderson at cshl.org)	1 Bungtown Road
Beckman Neuroscience Center		Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2220
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory		FAX 516-367-8873

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