why does brain impact cause unconsciousness?

Brooke Paul bpaul at
Wed Sep 22 13:31:39 EST 1993

In article <CDoFp4.5rv at ucdavis.edu> ez001932 at othello.ucdavis.edu (John M. Price) writes:
>Perhaps you should look at the old literature covering spreading
>depression produced by the application of KCl to the exposed cortex.  This
>seems mimic the response well.  Essentially, due to the sudden change in
>membrane resting potential, K+ is supposed to be INSIDE the cell,
>the cells go dormant for a time, and this depression spreads as th bolus
>spreads through the cortex.
	Why does K+ cause this effect?  It should cause depolarization,

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\_\ \_\ \ \ \ \ \_/ \_                                 \_\ \_\ \ \ \
 \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \ \__   bpaul at darwin.bio.uci.edu     \   \ \ \_\ \__

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