Looking for gifs of the brain

Dan Jacobson danj at dev.gdb.org
Wed Sep 22 20:03:48 EST 1993

In article <22SEP93.18699082.0057 at VM1.MCGILL.CA> BFA0 <BFA0 at MUSICB.MCGILL.CA> writes:
>Does anyone know where I can get some gifs of the brain for a
>neuroanatomy class that I have? 

Point your gopher client at gopher.gdb.org and select:

-->  2.  Search the Titles of All Items in this Gopher Hole <?>

and search for -

image and medical    

you'll see:

-->  1.  Austin Hospital PET/MRI Center Medical Image Database/
select it and you'll find - 

  -->  2.  Search PET Centre Image Database <?>

Now search for brain and you'll find several types of brain images - these
are Tiff images so you'll need an image viewer which can handle Tiffs (or
conversion software to convert it to a gif) - xv is a good one.  In this 
case you'll probably just want to use the gopher clients 'copy' mode to 
transfer the file as gopher doesn't make a very good guess on the .tif 
extension that these come with.

Best of luck,

Dan Jacobson

danj at mail.gdb.org

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