Frank Advice for New and Prospective Science Graduate Students

oldenburg kurt evil at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 21 21:39:04 EST 1993

In article <27nu1mINN47r at uwm.edu> dermer at convex.csd.uwm.edu (Marshall Dermer) writes:
>                Interested?  The manuscript "An Insider's Guide to Choosing a
>	   Graduate Adviser and Research Projects in Laboratory Sciences"
>	   appears in the _Journal of Chemical Education_, 1993, _70_,
>	   303-306.  A slightly different version is available via Gopher:
This is an excellent article! I wish I would have read it before my
first (aborted) attempt at grad school. What they say about picking an
adviser and what characteristics should be avoided are 100% true..I
unfortunately found them out the hard way. It's definately a must
read for any seniors in college or new 1st years.

Kurt Oldenburg
U of IL Chem Dept
Analytical Division

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