[[ timing of 4th edition of KSJ ]]
Since the second edition was 1985, the third edition was 1991, I would be
*very* surprised (given the amount of work necessary for producing that
monster) if the 4th edition were before 1995. Yes, a great deal has
happened, but not really enough to majorly change this basic text. WHile
each section of the 3rd edition had *some* revisions, though main areas
I've noticed are in the first few chapters (so far) on ionic channels and
the psychopathology (which is *still* lacking, IMHO). The basic anatomy
and physiology, described in the bulk of the book, haven't changed much.
-Peter "still reading" Marvit
: Peter Marvit <marvit at psych.upenn.edu>, Psychology Dept, Univ. of Penn :
: 3815 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 w:215/898-6274 h:215/387-6433 :