"Where can new and prospective graduate students obtain
candid advice to enhance success in graduate school? Not from
most college science teaching journals which have almost
exclusively published advice for professors regarding teaching
undergraduates. Not from national organizations, graduate
schools, and university departments; for "official" advice is
rarely frank advice. And not from all faculty and senior graduate
students as laboratory lore, unless one is a select "insider."
Elsewhere, I have asserted that faculty ought to provide new and
prospective graduate students frank advice about becoming
scientists and doing science; here I present such advice."
Interested? The manuscript "An Insider's Guide to Choosing a
Graduate Adviser and Research Projects in Laboratory Sciences"
appears in the _Journal of Chemical Education_, 1993, _70_,
303-306. A slightly different version is available via Gopher:
North America/USA/Wisconsin
/University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (academic)
/UWM Information/Psychology/GraduateAdmission/advice
I look forward to comments!