Looking for a Post-Doc position

Rodolfo A. Padum rpadum at ccu.umanitoba.ca
Wed Sep 15 16:41:53 EST 1993


I am a Ph.D. student who will be completing the program next spring. I am
looking for a post-doctoral position in a neuroscience laboratory. My
current research interest is in the area of intracellular calcium
homeostasis.  The project which I am currently working on is the
regulation and function of ryanodine receptors in the CNS.  I have
extensive experience in neurochemical techniques including enzyme assays,
receptor binding and autoradiographic methods and calcium measurements
utilizing Fura-2.  I would like to get involved in a laboratory that
combines both electrophysiological and calcium imaging techniques.  If
there is anyone interested, please contact me.  My e-mail address is
rpadum at ccu.umanitoba.ca or I can be reached by phone - (204) 789-3454 or
by fax - (204) 783-6915.  I have included here my curriculum vitae to
provide more background information.



NAME:  	Rodolfo Alberto Padua

ADDRESS:  	Department of Physiology, University of Manitoba
		Faculty of Medicine, 770 Bannatyne Ave.
		Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3E 0W3

PHONE:	(204) 896-4883 (H)
	(204) 789-3454 (W) 
	(204) 783-6915 (FAX)

DATE OF BIRTH:  7 August 1965

PLACE OF BIRTH:  Phoenix, Arizona

CITIZENSHIP:  USA (Permanent Resident since July, 1969)

I   Scholastic Experience

    1988 - Present    	Ph.D.	Department of Physiology
				University of Manitoba
				Winnipeg, Manitoba
				Supervisors:  Dr. J.I. Nagy
						Dr. J.D. Geiger

    1985 - 1988       	B.Sc.   Biochemistry
                    (Honours)   University of Manitoba
				Winnipeg, Manitoba

    1983 - 1985                 Chemistry
				Queen's University
				Kingston, Ontario

II  Positions Held

    1992 - Present	Teaching Assistantship
			Department of Chemistry
		        University of Manitoba
			Supervisor:  Dr. Ann Scoot

    1986 - 1992     	Teaching Assistantship
			Department of Chemistry
			University of Manitoba
			Supervisor:  Dr. G. Hickling

    1988            	Summer Research Assistantship
			Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine
			University of Manitoba
			Supervisors: 	Dr. J.I. Nagy
					Dr. J.D. Geiger

    1987            	Summer Research Assistantship
			Department of Microbiology
			University of Manitoba
			Supervisor:  Dr. H.B. Lejohn

    1987            	Teaching Assistantship
			Department of Biology
			University of Manitoba
			Supervisor:  Dr. L. Graham

III Awards

    1985 - 1987     	Dean's Honour List
    1990		University of Manitoba Studentship Award - declined
    1990 - Present 	Medical Research Council of Canada Studentship Award
    1992	Health Sciences Centre Neuroscience Student Research Award
    1993		International Society for Neurochemistry Travel Award
    1993		University of Manitoba Alumni Association Travel Award

IV  Affiliations  

    1990 - present    	International Society of Neurochemistry
    1990 - present    	Winnipeg Chapter, Society for Neuroscience
    1991 - present    	Society for Neuroscience

V   Refereed Publications

1.Padua R., Geiger J.D., Dambock S., and Nagy J.I. (1990) 2'-Deoxycoformycin 
inhibition of adenosine deaminase in rat brain: in vivo and in vitro analysis 
of specificity, potency and enzyme recovery.  J.Neurochem. 54: 1169-1178.

2.Padua R.A., Wan W., Geiger J.D., and Nagy J.I. (1991) [3H]Ryanodine binding 
sites in rat brain demonstrated by membrane binding and autoradiography.  
Brain Res.  542: 135-140.

3.Padua R.A, Geiger J.D., Delaney S.M., and Nagy J.I. (1992) Rat brain 
adenosinedeaminase after 2'-deoxycoformycin (DCF) administration: biochemical 
properties and evidence for reduced enzyme levels detected by [3H]DCF ligand 
binding. J.  Neurochem.  58: 421-429.

4.Padua R.A., Yamamoto T., Fyda D., Sawchuk M.A., Geiger J.D., and Nagy J.I. 
(1992) Autoradiographic analysis of [3H]ryanodine binding sites in rat brain: 
regionaldistribution and the effects of lesions on sites in the hippocampus.  
J. Chem. Neuroanat.  5: 63-73.

5.Stein M., Padua R.A., Nagy J.I., and Geiger J.D. (1992) High affinity 
[3H]ryanodine binding sites in postmortem human brain: regional distribution 
and effects of Ca2+, Mg2+ and caffeine.  Brain Res.  585: 349-354.

6.Padua R.A., Nagy J.I. and Geiger J.D. (1993) Ionic strength-dependence of 
calcium, adenine nucleotides, magnesium and caffeine actions on ryanodine 
receptors in rat brain. J. Neurochem.  Submitted.

7.Padua R.A., Nagy J.I. and Geiger J.D. (1993) Ryanodine- and 
caffeine-sensitive Ca2+ stores in rat brain synaptosomes. In preparation.

VI  Book Chapters

1.Geiger J.D., Padua R., and Nagy J.I. (1990) Adenosine deaminase and 
adenosine transport systems in the CNS.  In: Purines in Cellular Signalling: 
Targets for New Drugs, (Eds. K. Jacobson, J. Daly, V. Manganiello), 
pp. 20-25. Springer-Verlag, New York.  

2.Geiger J.D., Padua R.A., and Nagy J.I. (1991) Adenosine deaminase 
regulation of purine actions.  In: Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides as 
Regulators of Cellular Function, (Ed. J.W. Phillis), pp 71-84. CRC Press, 
Boca Raton, Florida.

VII Abstracts

1.J.D. Geiger, R. Padua, L.T.Y. Wong, and J.I. Nagy (1989). Adenosine 
Deaminase and Transport Systems in the CNS. Dialog Science Research 
Symposium on "Purine Nucleosides and Nucleotides in Cell Signalling:  Targets 
for New Drugs", Sept. 17-20, Rockville, Maryland.

2.R. Padua, J.D. Geiger, S. Dambock and J.I. Nagy (1989). 2'-Deoxycoformycin 
Inhibition of Adenosine Deaminase in Rat Brain:  Specificity, Dose 
Dependency, and Enzyme Recovery. 19th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience,
Nov. 1989, Phoenix, Arizona.

3.R.A. Padua, W. Wan, J.D. Geiger and J.I. Nagy (1990). Pharmacological 
Characterization of High Affinity [3H]Ryanodine Binding Sites in Subcellular 
Fractions of Rat Brain. 20th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, 
Nov. 1990, St. Louis, Missouri.

4.R.A. Padua, W. Wan, D. Fyda, T. Yamamoto, M. Sawchuk, J.D. Geiger and J.I. 
Nagy (1991). Pharmacology and Cellular Localization of [3H]Ryanodine Receptors
in Rat Brain. 21st Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 1991, 
New Orleans, Louisiana.

5.M.B. Stein, R.A. Padua, J.I. Nagy and J.D. Geiger (1991). High Affinity 
[3H]Ryanodine Binding Sites in Postmortem Human Brain. 21st Annual Meeting 
Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana.

6.R.A. Padua, J.I. Nagy and J.D. Geiger (1993). Ionic Strength-dependence of 
calcium, adenine nucleotides, magnesium and caffeine actions on ryanodine 
receptors in rat brain. 14th International Society for Neurochemistry, 
Aug. 1993, Montpellier, France.

VIII Theses

1.Padua, R. (1988) Molecular cloning, isolation and preliminary restriction 
endonuclease characterization of Ras homologous sequences in Achlya klebsiana.
B.Sc. Thesis.

2.Padua, R.A. (1994) Regulation and function of ryanodine receptors in the 
CNS. Ph.D. Dissertation.  In progress.  

Thanks in advance,

email rpadum at ccu.umanitoba.ca

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