The next meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society will be held
at the University of Sydney in the first week of February (main
meeting 2-4 February 1994). There are a number of related meetings on
in the same week, including:
Glial-Neuronal-Vasculature Interactions Workshop
Anatomical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Neuropeptides Meeting
Istvan Tork Symposium - Neurotransmitters in the Human Brain
The main details of the ANS meeting been finalised and sent to the printer.
The contents of the announcement can be obtained in electronic form.
The preferred method of retrieval is by anonymous ftp from: (
The information can be had as a PostScript file which will print the
formated document on a PostScript printer such as a LaserWriter, or as
a text-only representation. The files are in the ftp directory
pub/ans - the PostScript version - general information
info.txt - the text-only version - PostScript info sheet on the Tork Symposium
I expect to be make available the registration and abstract submission
forms in the near future. Other information files will appear as they
become available.
If you want one or more of these files, but are unable to retrieve it yourself,
send an E-mail request to
ans at
Dave Davey (daved at
If you have access to an ftp utility but are not familiar with how to
use it, here are some hints. You probably need to issue a command like:
(or alternatively just start up your ftp and enter
"open" when it prompts for a command). If your
system cannot resolve remote hostnames, use the number ""
instead of "".)
You should get a message like:
Connected to
220 phoenix FTP server (Version 5.60+UA) ready.
Name (
Enter the login name "ftp" and you should get a response like:
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
It is customary to enter your E-mail address as the "password".
You will then get a warning about what will happen if you do nasty things
to our machine. Assuming you only want to collect the ans information
files, you may consider yourself authorised to do so. In response to the
ftp prompt, enter:
cd pub/ans
In response to the ftp prompt enter the command:
(or "get info.txt" if you want the text only version).
You should get a response like:
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for (68654 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
local: remote:
73204 bytes received
Then in response to the ftp prompt, give the command:
You should then have copy of the file(s) on your machine, and can examine
or print them locally.