
Wed Sep 15 17:24:32 EST 1993

     Dear Netters,

     I am posting this for my friend who doesn't access to        
     internet. Please contact him directly at his address. Or I'll
     forward to him if you prefer sending email to my address:
     bqwang at calshp.cals.wisc.edu

Dear Sir,

     My name is Jie Wu. I am seeking a postdoctoral position in the
field of neurophysiology.

     Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at department of
neurophysiology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Japan. My
major subject is neurophysiology (especially electrophysiology). 
My research interests are the electrophysiological studies with
single electrode and patch clamp recording in vivo or vitro.    
(1) Molecules mechanism of volatile anesthetics; (2) Dopamine
receptor activity induced ionic current and intracellular
mechanism; (3) Inhibitory and excitatory acid receptor function and
physiological significance; (4) Cerebellum function, and (5)
mechanism of slow pain. 

     After finishing my postdoctoral research (March 1994) in
Japan, I want to continue my research and do another term of
postdoctoral position elsewhere. I prefer having an opportunity to
do it in USA.

     Enclosed please also find my curriculum vitae. Please feel
free to contact me if you need any further information.

     Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

                                  Sincerely yours,

                                  Jie Wu      M.D., Ph.D.

                    Curriculum Vitae
Name: WU,  Jie
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: September 4, 1957 

Present Address: Tohoku University International House A-420,
                 19-1, Sanjyo-march, Abaku, 
                 Sendai 981, Japan. 
                 Phone: 81-22-275-9666

1978-1983: Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China (For Medical   
1985-1990: Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, 
           China (For Ph.D.)

Professional Experience:

1982-1983: Intern in Subsidiary Hospital of Xuzhou Medical        
           School, Xuzhou, China;
1983-1985: Assistant lecturer in Department of Physiology, Xuzhou 
           Medical School, Xuzhou, China;
l990-1991: Lecturer in Department of Physiology, Sun Yat-Sen
           University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China;
1991-present: Associate Professor in Department of Physiology,
           Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences.

Special Training:

Feb.1989-May 1989: Department of Physiology, Nanjing University, 
           China, for cerebellar electrophysiology training.
Jan. 1993-present: Department of Neurophysiology, Tohoku        
           University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, for      
           Postdoctoral training.

Membership in Professional Societies:

Member, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). 
Member, Chinese Society of Physiology.

Major Publications:

1. Rhythmic feature of the spontaneous firing activities of       
   cerebellar Purkinje cell. Bull.Physiol. Guandong 1989, 6:52-54

2. Effect of Electro-acupuncture (EA) on response of the cerebellar 
   cortex to slow pain. Research Acupuncture 1989; 14:328-332

3. Cerebellar evoked potentials elicited by stimulation of C-fiber 
   in saphenous nerve in cat. Brain Res 1990; 522:144-146

4. Discharge response of cerebellar Purkinje cell to stimulation of 
   C-fiber in saphenous nerve. Brain Res 1992; 581:262-272

5. Analysis of cerebellar Purkinje cells discharge with normalized 
   power spectrum density function. Bull. Physiol. Guangdong 1991; 

6. Sevoflurane-induced ionic currents in acutely dissociated      
   hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons of rat. (submitted to "Brain 

7. Modification of GABA-gated Cl-current by sevoflurane in acutely 
   dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. (submitted to "J.         

8. Selective suppression of NMDA response by sevoflurane: A
   nystatin perforated patch clamp study.(in preparation).

9. The intracellular mechanism of Sevoflurane Modulated           
   metabotropic glutamate responses in dissociated hippocampal CA1 
   pyramidal neurons. (in preparation).

10.Dopamine-induced ionic currents in acutely dissociated         
   hippocampal CAI pyramidal neurons of rat. (tentative title, in 

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