Conferences of Interest

cs103_03 at gmuvax.gmu.edu cs103_03 at gmuvax.gmu.edu
Tue Sep 14 08:18:07 EST 1993

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Two Washington DC-area conferences of interest:

1. 2nd Appalachian Conference on Behavioral Neurodynamics.
Speakers include:
Paul Werbos: Introduction to Self-Organization
Per Bak: Self-Organized Criticality
Bruce MacLennon: Continuous Computation and the Emergence of the Discrete
Robert Shaw: Origins as Ecological Dynamics
Ilya Prigogine: From Quantum to Chaos
Michael Levine: The Code Inherent in Spike Trains
Jose Segundo: The Influence of Noise and Variability on Sensory and
Synaptic Transduction
Adi Bulsara: Information Processing in Sensory Neurons: Theoretical Models
and the Role of Noise
Vadim Glezer: The Perception of Visual Form
Eugene Sokolov: The Perception of Color
Francisco Varela: Temporal Mechanisms of Brain Synchronization
Steve Bressler: Cortical Organization in Visual Perception
Leslie Ungerleider: Neural Mechanisms for Object Recognition in the Cortex
of Monkeys and Humans
Manfred Clynes: Musical Phrases as Auditory Objects
Carol Fowler: On Auditory Objects
Bruce Bolster: Alexia, a Case Presentation
Alianna Maren: Self-Organization as a Thermodynamic Process
Kunio Yasue and Mari Jibu: Consciousness and Anesthesia
Harold Szu: Summation
Helen Crawford: Brain Systems Involved in Attention and Disattention to
Min Xie: Evidence for Brain Holoscapes
Peter Kugler (with Anthony Morris and Shawn Abraham): Type IV Non-linear

This conference is from October 3 through 6th in Radford, VA. Contact Karl
Pribram at (703)831-5108 for information and reservations.

2. 2nd Experimental Chaos Conference
Invited Speakers include:
Julio Ottino and John Sommerer on spatio-temporal chaos
Fedor Mitshcke and R. G. Harrison on chaos in optical systems
Norden Huang on meteorology and oceanography
Katepalli Sreenivasan on general chaos
Rajarshi Roy on applications: control and tracking
A. V. Oppenheim on applications: communications and signal processing
Steven Schiff, James Weiss, Walter Freeman, and Frank Moss on biology
Jack Hudson, Kenneth Showalter, and Roger Rollins on chemistry, and
Michael Crichton for a luncheon talk.

Walter Freeman will be discussing his results on olfactory chaos.

I've even got a poster session paper, commissioned to provide an
engineer's perspective on Freeman's work. 

This conference is from October 6th through 8th in Arlington, VA. It does
overlap the Radford Conference, although many of us in the DC area will be
attending both. Contact Mark Spano at the Naval Surface Warfare Center
(mark at chaos.nswc.navy.mil or 301.394.2433) for information. 

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