I'd like to produce a table of various animals approximate
brain sizes (in neurons), but I'm problems finding the data.
So far I've got
Leech - (Hirudo medicinalis) 13,000
Marine Snail (Aplysia) 20,000
Human 10^11
The table needs to be something like:
Approx Number
of Neurons Animal
------------- -------
10^1 ?
10^2 ?
10^3 ?
10^4 Leech, Marine Snail
10^5 ?
1O^6 ?
10^7 ?
10^8 ?
10^9 ?
10^10 ?
10^11 Human
10^12 ?
I would appreciate any help filling in the gaps.
Thanks in advance
PS We've already got one table with my and various
politicians names in the sub 100 neuron categories.