Size of Brain

Wasel Chemij wasel at
Mon Sep 13 08:58:57 EST 1993

I'd like to produce a table of various animals approximate
brain sizes (in neurons), but I'm problems finding the data.

So far I've got

	Leech - (Hirudo medicinalis)	13,000
	Marine Snail (Aplysia)		20,000
	Human				10^11

The table needs to be something like:

	Approx Number
	of Neurons		Animal
	-------------           -------
	  10^1			  ?
	  10^2			  ?
	  10^3			  ?
	  10^4			Leech, Marine Snail
	  10^5			  ?
	  1O^6			  ?
	  10^7			  ?
	  10^8			  ?
	  10^9			  ?
	  10^10			  ?
	  10^11			Human
	  10^12			  ?

I would appreciate any help filling in the gaps.

			Thanks in advance

PS We've already got one table with my and various
politicians names in the sub 100 neuron categories.

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