Did anyone save the musical processing string?

Paul Fawcett paulf at manor.demon.co.uk
Mon Sep 6 14:59:02 EST 1993

  > From: marvit at cattell.psych.upenn.edu (Peter Marvit)
  > Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
  > Subject: Did anyone save the musical processing string?
  > Message-ID: <MARVIT.93Sep5145838 at cattell.psych.upenn.edu>
  > Date: 5 Sep 93 18:58:38 GMT
  > Sender: news at netnews.upenn.edu
  > Organization: Psychology Dept, U. Pennsylvania
  > Lines: 9
  > Nntp-Posting-Host: cattell.psych.upenn.edu
  > I meant to save the series of postings on musial processing and the
  > brain, but the articles expired on my local system before I returned.  If
  > someone saved them, I would most appreciate a copy...

The answer to your question and lots more useful info can be found in:

        Smith, Una R. (1993) "A Biologist's Guide to the Internet."
        Published monthly in the Usenet newsgroups sci.bio, bionet.general
        and news.answers, and archived as file "biology/guide" in the
        anonymous ftp archive on pit-manager.mit.edu.  ~20 pages.


    5.3.  Where can I get old newsgroup/mailing list articles?

    All the biology-related Usenet newsgroups (since 1991) are archived for
    searching via gopher, WAIS, and anonymous ftp on ftp.bio.indiana.edu, in
    the directory /usenet/bionet/.  The bionet newsgroups (some dating back
    to 1987) are archived for WAIS and anonymous ftp on net.bio.net. 

    Many Gopher servers now have links to archives of old Usenet articles,
    and some of these archives even support interactive search queries.
    The ways of accessing information over the Internet are broadening
    rapidly, so stay tuned for notices about new options. 


Paul Fawcett                                Internet:<paulf at manor.demon.co.uk>
London, UK.                                          <tenec at westminster.ac.uk>

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