ALS International

Bob Broedel bro at HUEY.MET.FSU.EDU
Wed Sep 8 15:09:00 EST 1993

==                                                           ==
==        ----------- ALS INTEREST GROUP -----------         ==
==             ALS Digest (#57, 06 September 1993)           ==
==                                                           ==
==  To subscribe, to unsubscribe, to contribute notes,       ==
==  etc. to ALS Digest, please send  e-mail to:              ==
==  bro at huey.met.fsu.edu  (Bob Broedel)                      ==
==                                                           ==
==  All interested people may "broadcast" messages to        ==
==  ALS Digest subscribers by sending to:                    ==
==  als at huey.met.fsu.edu                                     ==
==                                                           ==
ALS International
Many thanks to Ms. Sydell Chaiet of the ALS Association (USA) for
the list that has been reproduced below. Hopefully by circulating the
list we will learn of additional information that can be added. We
seek information about TEL (telephone), FAX (facsimile), and E-M
(electronic mail) for organizations that are listed. We also would be
interested in knowing about other organizations that should be added.
AFRICA -----------------
ALS of South Africa
c/o Dr. A.H. Borowitz
42 Victoria Street
Oaklands 2192
Johannesburg  SOUTH AFRICA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
ARGENTINA --------------
Dr. Alberto Dobrovsky
Hospital Frances - La Rioja 951 
Seccion de Enfermedades Neuromuscular 
Centro Neurologico 
Buenos Aires 1211 ARGENTINA 
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
The ALS Association
Argentina Support Group
Enrique G. Saint John
Lateral Amiotrofica
Callao 66, ler. Pise
Buenos Aires 1022 ARGENTINA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
AUSTRALIA --------------
Dympna Flanagan
ALS Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute
P.O. Box 20
Croydon, New South Wales, 2132  AUSTRALIA
TEL (02) 799-8519
FAX (02) 799-8205
E-M ???
Rae Hay
ALS Motor Neurone Disease Association of New South Wales
20 Mons Road
Westmead 2145   AUSTRALIA
TEL (02) 891-2073
FAX (02) 799-8205
E-M ???
Norman Minton
Newcastle & Hunter Region Motor Neurone Society
P.O. Box 75
Warners Bay  NSW  2232  AUSTRALIA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
Motor Neurone Society of Queensland
P.O. Box 380
Morningside  Queensland 4170  AUSTRALIA
TEL (09) 396-8360
FAX ???
E-M ???
Motor Neurone Society of South Australia
P.O. Box 27
Hackam West  South Australia 5162  AUSTRALIA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
Motor Neurone Disease Society of Victoria
P.O. Box 262
South Caulfield  Victoria  3162  AUSTRALIA
TEL (03) 596-4761
FAX (03) 596-8005
E-M ???
Motor Neurone Disease Association of Western Australia
P.O. Box 8059
Stirling Street
Perth  Western Australia  6000  AUSTRALIA
TEL (09) 332-8456
FAX ???
E-M ???
Motor Neurone Disease Society of Tasmania
28 Gascoyne Street
Kingsmeadow  Tasmania 7249  AUSTRALIA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
CANADA -----------------
ALS Society of Canada
Head Office
90 Adelaide Street, E., Ste. B101
Toronto  Ontario  M5C 2R4  CANADA
TEL (416) 362-0269
FAX (416) 362-0414
E-M ???
ALS Society of Alberta
3 Woodfield Drive, SW
Calgary  Alberta  T2W 3T2  CANADA
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
ALS Society of British Columbia
411 Dunsmuir Street, 2nd floor
Vancouver  British Columbia  V6B 1X4  CANADA
TEL (604) 685-0737
FAX ???
E-M ???
DENMARK ----------------
Danish ALS Society
TEL (45) (2) 17 01 00
FAX ???
E-M ???
FRANCE -----------------
ARS Association pour la Recherche sur la Sclerose Laterale Amyotrophique
Forum Saint-Eustache
1 rue Montmartre
75001 Paris  FRANCE
TEL (1) 45 08 04 00
FAX ???
E-M ???
Association de Lette Sclerose Laterale Amyotrophique
Centre Regional de Gerontologie Sociale
2 Place de la Major
13002 Marseille  FRANCE
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
GUAM -------------------
Guam Lytico and Bodig Association
P.O. Box 1458
Agana 96910  GUAM
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
IRELAND ----------------
Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
Carmichael House
North Brunswick Street
TEL (01) 730 230
FAX ???
E-M ???
ITALY ------------------
Associazione Sclerosi Lateral Amiotrofia
c/o Centro Medico di Riabilitazione
Via per Revislate
Veruno  28010 (NO) ITALY
TEL (45) 0322 80 01 01
FAX ???
E-M ???
JAPAN ------------------
Japan ALS Association
9-10-701, Shin-ogawa-Cho
Tokyo  162  JAPAN
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
MEXICO -----------------
Paseo de la Reforma No. 6900
Edificio Nayarit
Entredad, Dep. 7
Tlatelolco, 06900 D.F.  MEXICO
TEL (583) 73 71
FAX ???
E-M ???
NETHERLANDS ------------
VSN, ALS-diagnosewerkgoep
Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan 6
TEL (2154) 18400  /  20500
FAX ???
E-M ???
NEW ZEALAND ------------
Motor Neurone Disease Society of New Zealand
CPO Box 37
Auckland 1  NEW ZEALAND
TEL (4) 410 4034  / (4) 655 552
FAX ???
E-M ???
PAKISTAN ---------------
Association of Physically Disabled Persons (Regd)
House 2
Street 40 - F. 7/1
Islambad  PAKISTAN
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
PHILIPPINES ------------
The ALS Association
Philippines Support Group
Joel Abad Pelayo
78 Masikap Extension
Central District, Quezon City  1100  PHILIPPINES
TEL 922-9199 / 922-8274
FAX ???
E-M ???
The ALS Association
Philippines Support Group
Martesio C. Perez, M.D.
Makati Medical Center
Suite E-3 First Floor
Makati, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES
TEL ???
FAX ???
E-M ???
ROMANIA ----------------
Neuromuscular Diseases Association of Romania
Institute of Neurology
C.P. 61-42
RO-75622  Bucharest  ROMANIA
TEL (0) 75 62 73
FAX ???
E-M ???
Asociatia Handicapatilor Neuromotori din Romania
Str. Agriselor nr. 2
Arad 2900  ROMANIA
TEL (966) 15126
FAX ???
E-M ???
SCOTLAND ---------------
Scottish Motor Neurone Disease Association
50 Parnie Street
Glasgow  G1 5LS  SCOTLAND
TEL (041) 552 0507
FAX (041) 776 3039
E-M ???
SPAIN ------------------
ADELA (Association Espanola de ELA)
San bernardo 107, apto. 407
28015  Madrid  SPAIN
TEL (1) 91 446 4976
FAX ???
E-M ???
SWEDEN -----------------
NHR (Neurologiskt Handikappades Riksforbund)
Kungsgatan 32
S-111 35 Stockholm  SWEDEN
TEL (46) 8 14 03 220
FAX (46) 8 24 13 15
E-M ???
SWITZERLAND ------------
International ALS/MND Research Foundation
Tiradelza de Monteggio
Termine CH-6998  SWITZERLAND
TEL (41) (91) 73 21 52
FAX (41) (91) 73 22 32
E-M ???
Motor Neuron Disease Association
P.O. Box 246
TEL (44) 604 250505
FAX (44) 604 24726
E-M ???
Revised 10/27/92 by the ALS Association (USA).
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 
21021 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 321 
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 USA
TEL (818) 340-7500
FAX (818) 340-2060
E-M (**soon** to be on the Internet !!!!)
== end of als 57 ==

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