Dear Sir,
I will be finishing my Ph.D. in Theoretical Physical Chemistry, speciali-
zation Computational Neurobiology, this spring. I am present looking for
a research possition in the field of depression and manic-depression. If
you have any openings for someone with my skills in this field of research,
please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
Eva S. Simmons
4003 Red River Street, #A-202 HOME: (512) 467-2254
Austin, Texas 78751 WORK: (512) 471-1023
To find a research position in depression or bipolar syndrome (manic-
depression) research.
Doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Austin in the Chemistry
department in the field of Theoretical Physical Chemistry.
Master of Arts in Chemistry with a specialization in Physical Chemistry
from the University of Texas at Austin in Theoretical Physical Chemistry on
May 23, 1992.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a double minor in Physics and Math
from Armstrong State College on June 9, 1989.
Received a certificate recognizing excellence in passing the Chemistry Exit
Dean's list during Winter 1986, Fall 1986, and Winter 1989.
Work in the University of Texas at Austin Chemistry Department: TA in
Physical Chemistry, Spring 1992 - Fall 1993; TA in General Chemistry, Fall
1992; RA in Physical Chemistry, Summer 1991 - Summer 1992; TA in Physical
Chemistry, Spring 1991; RA in Physical Chemistry, Fall 1990 - Spring 1991,
TA in General Chemistry, Spring 1990 - Summer 1990; TA in Organic Chemistry,
Fall 1989.
Worked at Revco Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Assistant, November 1987 - January 1988.
Worked in the School of Health Professions at Armstrong State College in the
Respiratory - Medical Technology department as a clerk, Fall 1986 - Summer
Program in BASIC, Pascal, and FORTRAN; understanding of the UNIX and UNICOS
systems; experience with the Cray Y-MP Supercomputer.
Secretary of the first ever Summer Kinsolving Hall Government during the
Summer 1992 session.
Student Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
since August 1990.
Student Member of the American Chemical Society since August 1989.
Arts, Science, and Education Senator with honors of the Student Government
Association from Summer 1988 to Spring 1989.
Treasurer of the American Chemical Society Student Affiliate at Armstrong
State College with honors, Summer 1988 - Spring 1989. Member, Fall 1987 -
Spring 1988.
Member of the Joel H. Hildebrand Chemistry Honor Society since May 10, 1987.
First-place award in the area of Health and Medicine on a research paper at
the First Congressional District Science and Mathematics Fair, February, 1984.
Simmons, E.S. (1992) *Introductory Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex.* Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Simmons, E.S., R.E. Wyatt (1994) *Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex -- Normal Data Sets.* (in preparation for publi-
Simmons, E.S., R.E. Wyatt (1994) *Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex -- Variation 1 Data Sets.* (in preparation for
Simmons, E.S., R.E. Wyatt (1994) *Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex -- Variation 2 Data Sets.* (in preparation for
Simmons, E.S., R.E. Wyatt (1994) *Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex -- Variation 3 Data Sets.* (in preparation for
Simmons, E.S., R.E. Wyatt (1994) *Circuitry Studies of a Computational Model
of the Primary Visual Cortex.* Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. (in
Dr. Robert E. Wyatt
W.T. Doherty Professor in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Texas at Austin
Welch 2.237
Austin, Texas 78712
Dr. Marye Anne Fox
M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner Regents
Chair in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Texas at Austin
Welch 5.240
Austin, Texas 78712
Dr. Henry E. Harris
Professor of Chemistry, Department Head
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Armstrong State College
11435 Abercorn Extension
Savannah, Georgia 31419
Mr. Ralph B. Jones
Ernst & Young
P.O. Box 2928
San Antonio, Texas 78299