Size of Brain

Stephen R Wicks swicks at unixg.ubc.ca
Mon Sep 13 15:42:03 EST 1993

In article <wasel.137.0 at> wasel at (Wasel Chemij) writes:
>I'd like to produce a table of various animals approximate
>brain sizes (in neurons), but I'm problems finding the data.
>So far I've got
>	Leech - (Hirudo medicinalis)	13,000
>	Marine Snail (Aplysia)		20,000
>	Human				10^11
The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has 302 neurons.  Note that this
number applies to the hermaphroditic form of the organism.  The male
form has more (359 rings a bell, but I'm not positive).

Stephen R. Wicks,                                       PHONE: 604-822-9183
Graduate Program in Neuroscience,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.      swicks at unixg.ubc.ca

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