Hi netters,
I want to set up a network out of Bonhoeffer-van der Pol
neurons (BVP) as introduced by Fitzhugh [1]. Therfore I need to model
the inward synaptic current. So my question ist: What is the usual way
to describe the inward synaptic current of neurons? Would it be
reasonable to write:
I_syn(t) = g_syn(t) * (V_presyn(t)-V_postsyn(t))
(with g_syn(t) = alpha function; V_presyn(t) = presynaptic potential;
V_postsyn(t) = postsynaptic potential)
for the current, induced from one presynaptic neuron? And do I really
have to take into account the time dependence of V, or is it enough to
calculate the voltage difference once, say at the maximum of the
presynaptic spike, and multiply it with the alpha function?
Maybe there is a simpler way to couple BVP neurons?
Any help would be appreciated!
[1] R. FitzHugh. Impulses and physiological states in theoretical models
of nerve membrane. Biophys. Journal 1, 445-466 (1961)
Michael Zeller | Physikalisches Institut
============================================| J.W.G. Universitaet Frankfurt
email: zeller at pix1.physik.uni-frankfurt.de | Robert-Mayer-Str. 2-4
phone: 069/7982035 | 60054 Frankfurt/Main
fax: 069/7988448 | Germany