>In article <CFGx04.F9E at umassd.edu>, rleary at UMASSD.EDU writes:
>|> Also - has physical evidence of brain damage attributable to drug abuse -
>|> cocaine, LSD, amphetamines, etc. - ever been demonstrated using imaging
>|> techniques?
>|> .........
>|> about a group of young people who literally blew their minds with some designer
>|> drug - and I believe there were pictures/images showing this type of damage
>|> in a real human brain.
I remember an article about 14 years ago showing brain tissue samples
from a normal rat or mouse, and one exposed to large amounts of marijuana
smoke. The latter showed lots of neuron death. But the dosage may have
been absurdly high, and you might get a similar effect with cigarette smoke.
I don't know what journal it was in; possibly Science.
Phil goetz at cs.buffalo.edu