fMRI - availablity/ut

Eliot Gelwan eliot.gelwan at channel1.com
Thu Oct 28 01:54:00 EST 1993

At 10:16 on 10-26-93, Anthony R Mcintosh discussed "Re: fMRI - 
availablity/ut" with All:

[AR]:PET (depending on what isotope is used)
[AR]:structural MRI are much better than CAT 
[AR]:for diagnosis.  Which method is used
[AR]:on what is being looked at. If there is 
[AR]:a functional change, PET is probably
[AR]:but the accompanying MRI would be 
[AR]:helpful to localize

It is my impression that PET scanning is almost exclusively a research 
tool, and not used diagnostically or clinically. We in psychiatry are just 
beginning to use its less expensive cousin, SPECT, diagnostically.

[AR]:accompanying structural change.
[AR]:showing the destruction of cells in the 
[AR]:substantia nigra from a
[AR]:synthetic drug (MMPT??).

I think that's MPTP.


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