fMRI - availablity/utility

Christopher Ian Connolly connolly%rabbit at CS.UMASS.EDU
Tue Oct 26 12:13:36 EST 1993

>The example you presented were probably actual human tissue, not images, 
>showing the destruction of cells in the substantia nigra from a
>synthetic drug (MMPT??).

...although there has been work on visualizing the effect of MPTP in
monkeys.  Unfortunately, I only have an abstract, but the following
paper appears to have used 2-DG labeling to visualize MPTP-induced

Mitchell IJ, Clarke CE, Boyce S, Robertson RG, Peggs D, Sambrook MA,
Crossman AR, (1989) "Neural Mechanisms Underlying Parkinsonian
Symptoms Based Upon Regional Uptake of 2-Deoxyglucose in Monkeys
Exposed to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine", Neuroscience

MPTP: 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (yeah, I know,
"MPTP" is a hell of a lot easier to spell) is often used in animal
models for Parkinsonism, since it destroys the dopaminergic cells of
the substantia nigra.  Now that I think of it though - I've been
assuming that MPTP has no effect on the GABAergic cells in the SNr.
Is that true?


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