careers in computational neuroscience

& Schwartz eric at thing4.nntp-read.bu.edu
Tue Oct 26 19:47:37 EST 1993

>   Hi,

>   I don't really think I'll have any success with this query, but
>   what the heck.   I want to spend the rest of my life modeling
>   neurons, starting off as a computer scientist with a specialization
>   in numerical analysis and as the years go by, broadening my horizons
>   in the field of computational neuroscience.
>   ......

One (hopefully) helpful hint: please don't confuse (as is increasingly
common) the field of computational neuroscience with " modeling
neurons", as opposed to computational modeling at all levels of the
nervous system. Clarification of the meaning of the term
"computational neuroscience" may be found in the proceedings of the
conference which first introduced the term,
and whose purpose was to provide a working definition of it. For
further discussion, see:

Computational Neuroscience
ISBN 0-262-19291-8 (Paper and cloth).
MIT Press (1990)
Edited by Eric Schwartz

Best regards,
| Eric L. Schwartz                                     | 
| email: eric at thing4.bu.edu                            |
| Office: (617)353-6179 ;  FAX: (617)353-6178          |
| Prof. of Cognitive and Neural Systems                |
| Prof. of Elec. Engineering and Computer Systems      |
| Prof. of Neurobiology                                |
| Surface Mail: Dept. of Cognitive and Neural Systems  |           
| Boston University                                    |
| 111 Cummington Street::Boston MA. 02215              |

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