
Cornelius Krasel krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de
Mon Oct 25 14:33:27 EST 1993


: Does anybody know the mRNA (or DNA) sequence of the Tryptophane Hydroxylase
: the enzyme involved in the synthesis of serotonin ?

I don't know the sequence but you can it retrieve by yourself if you
have access to gopher.

- Gopher to the host gopher.gdb.org.
- Select entry 4: "Genbank, PIR, Swiss_PROT and other Database Searches"
- Select entry 2: "Search SWISSPROT (NIH)"
- You will be asked for a term to search for. You can, for example,
  search for "tryptophan". This will result in 200 hits, among them
  several tryptophan hydroxylases.
- By selecting an entry its sequence will be displayed. Depending on
  the way you are accessing Gopher you can retrieve it to your local
  host and manipulate it (or whatever you want).

If you don't know what Gopher is, "don't worry, it's free and on the
net" (Dan Jacobson). If you get stuck and can't find help locally,
send me a mail :-)


/* Cornelius Krasel, Abt. Lohse, Genzentrum, 82152 Martinsried, Germany */
/* email: krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de, krasel at vms.biochem.mpg.de          */
/* "People are DNA's way of making more DNA." (R. Dawkins/anonymous)    */

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