3rd Altscul Symposium - May 12-14, 1994

Tim.Archer at usask.ca Tim.Archer at usask.ca
Mon Oct 25 14:27:46 EST 1993


Neural Cell Specification: Molecular Mechanisms
and Neurotherapeutic Implications

May 12-14, 1994
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Aebischer, P. (Switzerland)		Joyner, A. (Canada)
Raisman, G. (England)			Anderson, D. (U.S.A.)
Julien, J.-P. (Canada)			Reynolds, B. (Canada)
Birren, S. (U.S.A.)			Kordower, J. (U.S.A.)
Rosenfeld, M.G. (U.S.A.)		Bjorklund, A. (Sweden)
Krumlauf, R. (England)			Sladek, J. (U.S.A.)
Boncinelli, E. (Italy)			Landis, S. (U.S.A.)
Tremblay, P. (Germany)			Bredesen, D. (U.S.A.)
Linney, E. (U.S.A.)			Weiss, S. (Canada)
Cepko, C. (U.S.A.)			Lumsden, A. (U.S.A.)
Widner, H. (Sweden)			Fishell, G. (U.S.A.)
Mark, M. (France)			Wolff, J. (U.S.A.)
Gage, F. (U.S.A.)			McKay, R. (U.S.A.)
Yamada, T. (U.S.A.)			Garriga, G. (U.S.A.)
Noble, M. (England)			Jarman, A. (U.S.A.)
Olson, L. (Sweden)

Scientific Sessions:
* Neural Cell Replacement: Interface of Basic Science and 
	Clinical Trials
* Pattern Formation in the Vertebrate CNS
* Genetic Determinants of Neural Cell Fate
* Neural Cell Differentiation
* Strategies for Cell Replacement in Neurodegenerative 
	Disorders (two sessions)
Poster Sessions
Group Discussions
Hot Data Session

Registration Fee:
Before March 12, 1994 			$180
After March 12, 1994 			$220
Residents and Postdoctoral Fellows 	$ 60
Students (graduate/undergraduate) 	No Charge

Accommodation and Meals (reasonably-priced) at University Residences

Air Canada is the official airline carrier
Reservations: Tel. 1-800-361-7585
Event No. CV940214

For Further Information Please Contact Symposium Coordinator:
Dr. R. Doucette
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada   S7N 0W0
Telephone: (306) 966-4092     Fax: (306) 966-4298
or email:	Krone at sask.usask.ca
	or	Tim.Archer at usask.ca

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