Q: Counter-; Transverence; -Neurosis ???

robert st000158 at hrz1.hrz.th-darmstadt.de
Fri Oct 22 02:24:40 EST 1993

sorry for posting the liedetector question two times!
i didn't know before, you are allowed to proof it with that device :)

please do not respond to that e-mail address!

hi everybody

does anybody know what a "transverence neurosis" is?
or what the term "transverence" or "countertransverence" mean in 
psychological interpretations?

i found it in older references, which i didn't read yet 'cause i
surly have to wait months to get them, but i will try.

to my poor psychological understanding it may have something to do
with the so called unconcious feelings which are suppresed and while 
they are comming up, you get some identity problems???
it's just a guess!!!

anyway, if somebody knows some facts right now about that, please post!


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