Josef Peter Magyar jmagyar at ch.ethz.aeolus
Fri Oct 22 06:08:49 EST 1993

Experienced neurobiologist looks for a post doc job in or in the neighbourhood
of Berlin/Germany were preferred. Jobs in clinical research would be also

Description of research experience and list of institutes joined see below.

Closer description and references upon response to
                               schmidtc at aeolus.ethz.ch

Possible start from March 1994
Research experience in:

Immunochemical techniques
-       ELISA
-       Immunoaffinity chromatography
-       Immunofluorescence
-       Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS analysis)
-       Production and use of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
-       Western blotting

Biochemical techniques
-       Purification of (glyco)proteins from different tissues
-       Purification of (glyco)lipids
-       Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
-       Enzymatic and chemical cleavage procedures
-       Isoelectric focussing
-       SDS PAGE and electroelution
-       Fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC)
-       RIA (determination of sencond messengers)

Cell culture
-       preparation of primary cultures (cerebellar microexplants,
        small cerebellar neurons, dorsal root ganglia)
-       use of permanent cell lines
-       microinjection (Xenopus oocytes, permanent cell lines)
-       electroporation
-       isolation of neuronal growth cones and synaptosomes
-       isolation of cell nuclei
-       spectrofluorimetric determination of Ca2+ and pH in
        neuronal cell cultures

Data processing
-       word processing on IBM and Macintosh
-       use of sequence analysis software (e.g. GCG)
-       use of IBAS image analysis system

-       Transmission and scanning electron micoscopy
-       light microscopy

Teaching experience
-       training of students in biochemical techniques during
        practical courses

Employment history:

Undergraduate research fellow at the Institute for Cell and Tumor Biology,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Graduate research fellow at the Institute for Neurobiology, University of

Graduate research fellow at the Institute for Neurobiology, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Zuerich, Switzerland

PhD: end of 1993

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