In a previous article, cs60a-ae at po.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (Class Account) says:
> My name is Seth Piezas and I have been active in lucid dreaming
> I think I have got some sort of solution, however. A little
>while ago I read about fast MRI and the ability to localize responses
>to sayign certain words and thinking certain thoughts.
This is a continuation from my previous reply. --- Edwin
My understanding is that PET scan will allow you to locate a
location responsible for a type of tasks. For instance, when
you are thinking your frontal lobe (the region responsible for
planning, etc.) will light up (i.e. radioactive glucose has
flown to that region as that region takes up more blood supply.)
On the other hand, when you are talking, a different region
will light up as I mentioned on the previous post. However, this
is a generalized area.
I believe, in the current state of art, we are not able to
meaningfully detect in higher resolution. That is, whether you are
thinking about this thing or that thing, we can only localize that
your are thinking but not what you are thinking about...)
Colleagues, correct me if I am wrong.
Thus, if you are to utilize PET scan, it will be necessary to use
bigger 'words' -- for instance, force yourself to think and then later
to speak... Apparently, this will be a very demanding process and
much more time-consuming (provided of course, you don't wake up now...)
A possible alternative approach is to use VEP (visual evoked potential).
That post follows this one.
Edwin Yeh
CWRU Biomedical Engineering