Hydrophobics and cell-culture?

hcorbett at garnet.berkeley.edu hcorbett at garnet.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 19 04:10:26 EST 1993

Along similar lines (but not identical) - here is a question. If you wanted
to make purified membrane vesicles with their integral proteins intact, that
can *sink* in cell culture medium (without serum) - how would you do it? THere
is a critical mass, obviously - big chunks will fall out - but we're looking
for a way to deposit small membrane fragments while video-monitoring the live
growth of cells. Sometimes (often) if our quantities of membranes are limited,
they all end up floating on the surface of the medium. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Heather Corbett

P.S. Perhaps I should indicate that we use a urea extraction and an 
appropriate homogenization buffer, and homogenize the tissue by hand; can
we incubate the vsicles in BSA? Would that make them heavier? 

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