The Neurosciences: An Internet Resource Guide
A Neurosciences Internet Resources Guide (NIRG) is
currently under construction at the University of
Michigan!s School of Information and Library Studies.
The NIRG project proposes to bring together related
neuroscience resources in biology, biotechnology, and
the bioelectrical and biomedical fields. Resources will
include electronic journals, newsletters, databases,
image and video databases, documents, reports, gopher
sites, usenet and listserv groups, among others.
In order to provide the most useful guide possible, we
welcome resource suggestions from members of the
Internet community and specifically those with some
expertise in the neurosciences. If you know of a
unique, relevant, or useful resource, we!d love to hear
from you. Even if you don!t know of a resource, we!d
like to know what you think of the value of such a
guide. Your participation is crucial to the success of
this project.
Several excellent guides to Biology resources on the
Internet exist (such as Una R. Smith!s). This project
will provide not only a guide with a tighter focus on
neuroscience resources, but also a guide with a broader,
more interdisciplinary approach.
The NIRG project is directed by Sheryl Cormicle and
Steve Bonario, two Master-level students in the School
of Information and Library Studies at the University of
Michigan. The resource guide is a term project and will
be made available to the Internet community in December
of this year. We hope to make the guide available in
several formats, including a simple text file, a gopher
document, and an HTML document.
If you wish to suggest a resource, please send mail to
nirg at umich.edu
You may also write to us directly:
Sheryl Cormicle: sherylc at umich.edu
Steve Bonario: sbonario at umich.edu