
Danny danny at cs.su.oz.au
Mon Oct 18 06:57:37 EST 1993

In article <1993Oct13.070645.49823 at frodo.cc.flinders.edu.au> psgjf at gamgee.cc.flinders.edu.au (<G.J.Fraser>) writes:
>In article <29elr0INN181 at usenet.pa.dec.com> stark at dwovax.enet.dec.com (Todd I. Stark) writes:
>>A recent book, The Making of Memory, by Steven Rose, seems to me
>>to be an unusual and useful introduction into the world of neuroscience

>Todd, could you give the full publishing details please.
>Thanks Geoff.

And post to alt.books.reviews!  Please post anything that looks like a book
review there.

Danny Yee (danny at cs.su.oz.au)

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