Fast MRI and Lucid Dreaming Proposal

Class Account cs60a-ae at po.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Oct 18 02:32:23 EST 1993

        My name is Seth Piezas and I have been active in lucid dreaming

for some time now.  It has been my long time ambition to prove lucidity

through communication with the outside world, (not some spiritual stuff)

but till now I have been dumbfounded for a method that would not

interrupt sleep.

        I think I have got some sort of solution, however.  A little

while ago I read about fast MRI and the ability to localize responses

to sayign certain words and thinking certain thoughts.

        It seems to me that if one were to localize the responses of

an individual to different words and pick two words that

localized within specific regions of each half, then a sort of morse

code could be developed.  Then, when the individual was dreaming and consicous,

he or she could key the letters of a dialogue by using the two words.

        I am deeply interested in any correspondence.  I realize

that some may suggest that no facility could wait around for someone

to enter a dream period.  This is true.  But I myself gained enough

control thatwhen I was tired and would be resting, my body would

induce sleep procedures while my mind was still active.  A lucid period was

then immediatetly initiated.

        E-mail me at

                        piezas at ocf.berkeley.edu


                        cs60a-ae at danube.eecs.berkeley.edu

        I have studied limited amounts of neurobiology and psychobiology

and am in no means a non scientific approacher.  I hope my proposal

is founded.  Only those of greater knowledge can tell me.  Please

aid me in this.  Thank you for all correspondence.

        Seth Piezas

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