PC-12 Cells

Jonathan H. Lin jhl14 at merhaba.cc.columbia.edu
Sun Oct 10 17:06:13 EST 1993

In article <299neq$cme at charm.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>,
Michael I Sandstrom <misandst at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
>     I am looking for references regarding the PC-12 cell line.  What
>is the history of this line?  Where did these cells come from?  What does
>in-vitro electrophysiology et cetera really tell us about the neuron
>of the CNS?  Is this cell line capable of much differentiation?  Someone
>please direct me to the appropriate literature (review papers etc.).
>Thanks in advance!

The PC12 cell line was isolated by Lloyd Greene and Steven Tischler from
a rat pheochromocytoma.  Upon addition of NGF, PC12 cells assume a sympathetic neuronal-like phenotype.  I think the relevant paper appeared in PNAS in


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