Foetal monkey brain atlas

Jean-Paul Herman herman at fr.univ-mrs.lgpd
Mon Oct 11 07:31:39 EST 1993

I will have to do some histology and immunohistology on late foetal (about 5 mo)
macaque brains. Does anyone have good reference(s) for an atlas of the 
developping brain in this species (or of a closely related species, I think 
rhesus may be close)? If not, of the adult brain? I guess that at this age 
(gestation time is about 6 mo in this species) the major landmarks should be 
pretty similar to those seen in the adult brain, am I right? Thanks for any 


*  Jean-Paul Herman                                            *
*                                                              *
*  Laboratoire de Gntique et Physiologie du Dveloppement    *
*  CNRS UMR 9943                                               *
*  Facult des Sciences de Luminy                              *
*  Case 907                                                    * 
*  13288 Marseille Cedex 9                                     *
*  France                                                      *
*  Tel: (33)    Fax: (33)              *
*  e-mail: herman at lgpd.univ-mrs.fr                             *

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