In article <29elr0INN181 at> stark at (Todd I. Stark) writes:
>>A recent book, The Making of Memory, by Steven Rose, seems to me
>to be an unusual and useful introduction into the world of neuroscience
>>_The_Making_Of_Memory_ (_From_Molecules_to_Mind_),
>takes the non-specialist reader on an interesting tour through the mind and
>30 years work of this theoretical and experimental neuroscientist,
>who offers his thoughts on mind, body, memory, and science in general,
>and an inside look at what really happens in a memory research lab.
>>It is very illuminating in spots as to the kinds of knowledge we have
>about the cellular and biochemical basis of memory and cognition,
>how we know what we know; and gives provides some lucid background
>on the most famous and influential experiments and discoveries in
>neuroscience related to memory, and those on which the various claims
>about nootropics and such are based.
>>Some of the readers here may have caught Rose's review of
>"nootropics" in _New_Scientist_, a few months ago, and seen that he
>is a supporter of pharmacological memory research, but somewhat critical
>of the notion of 'recreational' memory enhancement by chemical means.
>His new book spends very little time on that subject specifically,
>but the reasoning that leads him to his position is gently made very
>>Both an inside glimpse into real working
>neuroscience, and an atypical introduction into memory research.
>> kind regards,
>> todd
>| Todd I. Stark stark at |
>| Digital Equipment Corporation (215) 542-3573 |
>| Philadelphia, Pa. USA |
>| "(A word is) the skin of a living thought" Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. |
Todd, could you give the full publishing details please.
Thanks Geoff.
Geoff Fraser, School of Psychology| AARNet : psgjf at
Flinders University, GPO Box 2100,| Phone (Int.) : 61-8-2012469
Adelaide, 5001, Australia | Phone (Aust.) : 08-2012469